École J. E. Lapointe School


Complementary Courses

Complementary Courses at EJELS

Complementary course subjects give students the chance to explore their interests. These subjects also reinforce learning in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students may plan, design, create, and implement solutions for relevant real-life problems. As students engage in hands-on challenges, they develop social, interpersonal, life, and work skills as well as practical knowledge about various industries, issues and technologies.

Students in the English program have access to two complementary courses per term (Option A & Option B).

French Immersion students have access to one complementary course per term (Option A).

 There are a few changes coming to EJELS Complementary courses for the 2024-25 school year.

1) Band 8/9 will occur at Ecole Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School (ESBCHS) on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7-8am. This opportunity is for returning band members AND any new students interested in joining band. This will be a combined band with Ecole Dansereau Meadows School and Ecole Champs Vallée School.