École J. E. Lapointe School
Year end awards are presented at two occasions. The Merit Awards ceremony is held during the year-end assembly in June and the Academic Awards are presented at an evening ceremony in September.
Four certificates are presented to students from each homeroom who has demonstrated substantial and consistent effort in the following categories.
1. Positive Role Model: This student demonstrates a strong positive attitude, a willingness to encourage and support other students and is accepting of all others.
2. Personal Achievement: The recipient of this award has shown significant advancement in attitude, academics and in their desire to succeed.
3. Most Dedicated Effort: The recipient of this award has made a consistent and substantial effort to be prepared for class at all times, have assignments well done and submitted on time, has made the commitment to do the best possible work and has been diligent throughout the year.
Athlete of the Year (Male and Female) – This plaque and trophy is presented to the athlete who best demonstrated a high level of skill, sportsmanship and school spirit as a member of a school team and as a student in the regular physical education program.
Fine Arts Award – This award is presented to a student enrolled in Art, Drama or Music, who has developed a strong interest in the subject matter and has achieved at a high standard.
Career and Technology Studies – Construction and Design – This award is presented to the student who has demonstrated a positive attitude, leadership and achievement.
Career and Technology Studies Foods and Textiles – This award is presented to the student who has demonstrated a positive attitude, leadership and achievement.
Melanie Morais Memorial Award – This award is presented to the student who has demonstrated a high level of achievement in performance and has shown dedication to the success of the music program at École J.E. Lapointe School.
Bert Plamondon French Immersion Program Award – This award is presented to the student who has demonstrated a positive attitude toward learning a second language and has attained a high level of achievement.
Arnie Sherban Math Award – This award is presented to the student who has demonstrated a strong interest in the studies of mathematics and has achieved a standard of excellence.
Highest Academic Achievement Award (Gr. 7, 8, and 9) – This award is presented to the student who scored the highest overall mark at their grade level for the current school year.
Student of the Year Award – This award is presented to the student who, through a positive attitude has successfully combined academics,athletics,leadership and citizenship.